Dental Implants

dental-implant-tooth-rancho-cordovaAs an active member of the Rancho Cordova community, you play a role in local events and appreciate building relationships with your neighbors. But when you’re missing a tooth, these pleasant pursuits take on a new stress level.

Without a full smile in place, you don’t feel or look like yourself. This not only affects your personal life, but those around you. Building the Rancho Cordova area to be the best it can be requires the help of every resident. Others living outside the Sacramento area will feel the loss of your smile.

Don’t let failing teeth control your life. With dental implants and dental restorations, you’re able to restore entire teeth – without compromising a natural look and feel.

Rebuilding Your Smile with Tooth Implants

full-smile-with-dental-implantaDental implants are titanium posts that sit in your jaw bone. Once an implant is placed, it begins forming a connection with the surrounding bone. This integration takes place because the titanium material is biocompatible, and works in harmony with the bone. After an appropriate healing period, the implant becomes a true part of your mouth.
dental-implants-restoration-rancho-cordovaImplants are paired with other restorations like bridges, crowns, partials, or dentures to replace entire missing tooth structures. With so many options available, how can you know whether implants are the right choice? With a little help from a Rancho Cordova dentist.

Getting Started with an Implant Dentist in Rancho Cordova

The first step toward dental implants is scheduling a restorative consultation. Dr. Denisse Montalvo or Dr. Ricardo Andrade will take x-rays and perform a visual examination of your mouth. Our team will also speak with you about your restorative goals. We take our patients’ needs and preferences into account at all times.

Simply get in touch to book a complimentary consultation of your own – and take the first step toward a renewed smile.